First Lady Sally Ganem, an elementary school principal, brings her extensive background in educating young people to Leadership. Ms.Ganem, who joined in March 2005, is the principal of Howard Elementary School in Fremont.
In 2007, Ms. Ganem announced a new Nebraska initiative known by the slogan “No Free Ride if You Provide,” targeting underage high-school drinkers and parents or adults who supply teens with alcohol. The initiative will involve a yearlong publicity campaign as well as stepped-up enforcement, including more patrols of underage-drinking parties and more frequent checks of businesses that sell alcohol to ensure they do not sell to minors.
In 2006, the First Lady spoke at the annual “Administrators’ Days” conference held by the Nebraska Department of Education at which underage drinking was the first item on the agenda. Also in 2006, Ms. Ganem joined Governor Dave Heineman in issuing a joint press release announcing the State’s Town Halls, and attended a Town Hall meeting.
The First Lady is involved in several educational organizations, including the Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals and the Nebraska Council of School Administrators. She is active in the Fremont community as a member of the Low Income Ministry Board and the Social Sciences Advisory Board of Metropolitan Community College. She is a past president of both the Fremont Area United Way and Big Brothers Big Sisters. She has served as a volunteer with the American Heart Association and with John C Fremont Days.
Ms. Ganem received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. She and her husband have one son.