First Lady Sally Ganem, an elementary school principal, brings her extensive background in educating young people to Leadership. Ms.Ganem, who joined in March 2005, is the principal of Howard Elementary School in Fremont.
In 2007, Ms.
First Lady Anne Brown has not yet joined the Leadership. If you would like to encourage her to join, here address is: Ms. Anne Brown. First Lady of California, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814.
First Lady Karen Kasich is a member of the Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free Foundation. Two previous First Spouses were also members. First Lady Emeritus Francis Strickland and First Lady Emeritus Hope Taft. Mrs.
First Lady Supriya Jindal has not yet joined the Leadership Foundation. If you would like to encourage her to join, you can send her a letter to:
Mrs. Supriya Jindal
First Lady of Louisiana
1001 Capital Access Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70802